Indian Customs Day

January 26th was the Customs Day. Four years back I was invited to the celebrations in Coimbatore. For the last few years, I do not find myself, getting invited! Maybe, because I 'pay' much lesser taxes and duties these days. Well, I wanted to draw your attention to the message given by our FM, Mrs Nirmal Sitharaman on this day at New Delhi, this year. See the report in the Economic Times the next day (27th). The ideas and the thoughts are absolutely lofty. Yes, Customs should become 'people' friendly and do 'business and trade facilitation' from now onwards. And that the Customs is going through a 'transformative process' and become more 'people centric'. I could not but help recollecting a similar lofty statement made by the then FM, Yaswant Sinha, in the year 1998 when he took ove...