TRAI seeks views on spectrum Auction!


News Item:

The next round of auctions! The next spectrum! 

Is auction the best way to give out resources owned by the people of this country for individual gain?

Let us take a look at what an auction is and how this would hurt the common man.

3G was auctioned. Please see the table above. Government made nearly 51,000 crores every year out of spectrum licensing alone. Please note government just hands it over to people to work with it. Government per se does not do any job.

Just to register who is going to use, how much of spectrum, the government gets paid 51,000 crores. Essentially somebody is getting paid monstrous sums for doing nothing.

Of course, this amount goes into the common pool and therefore, should reduce taxes on us. Does it? With the new telecom policy, almost everyone of us carry one to two phones and we all pay GST. Result: government apart from the 51,000 crores of licensing fees plus spectrum charges that is paid every year, it also ropes in an additional GST of 32,400 crores in 2019 and more in the succeeding years!

That is, we pay nearly 45% of the cost of a phone call to the government as license fees and spectrum charges. Plus we pay another 18% of it as GST. Totalling to 63% of the total cost of a phone call.

Does it sound familiar? In Petrol and Diesel, we pay nearly 75% of the cost of the fuel as taxes and other charges to the government. In Telecom, we pay over 63% to the government. With 5G auctions and if the telecom companies commit on some number, whatever be that, we will be the ones who will be paying it to them finally!

Secondly, by going in for an auction, literally, only large companies can be a party to it. Nobody else can even think of getting into the game. Auction removes all competition and hands over the whole thing in a platter to the rich, power supported business houses. This has happened in airports, seaports, telecom and in every other auction.

Why then do we support auction? Because we are just naive! We are just moving from a public monopoly to a private monopoly.

TRAI has called in for comments on their 5G auction. Every well-meaning citizen of this country should respond to it. Auction is detrimental to every person's interest in this country. We should raise this question and say NO to auctions.

They will have to come up with a better way of doing it. Certainly not Auctions.

Go To TRAI and raise your objections.


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